
Having, or wanting surgery of any kind does not make you more or less of the woman, man or non-binary person you already are, and is just one more point of difference in the many ways we exist as trans people. For those who seek them though, affirmative surgical interventions can be a critically important part of how we affirm our gender. Interventions are not only medically necessary, but life saving.

Gender affirming surgeries can include top surgery or breast augmentation, facial surgery, tracheal shaves, and genital surgeries, including genital reconfiguration surgery, hysterectomies, or orchidectomies. To find out more about each of these surgeries, visit the links below.

While TransHub does not provide links to specific surgeons or surgical clinics, you can visit an affirming GP to start that conversation and seek specific advice. The Australian Professional Association for Trans Health hosts a provider list of their members, which includes local surgeons. It is available here. Surgery options can be limited in Australia and many people also find peer support for this through online groups or social meetups.

Most surgeons will need a readiness referral from a mental health provider stating that you are able to consent, and that the intervention is right for you. Reconstructive genital surgeries typically require two such referrals. Find out more about readiness referrals here.

Surgery can be very expensive, whether in Australia or overseas, but some people might be eligible for early release of superannuation to help cover the costs, which you can find more about here.

When travelling for surgery, it’s important to know the legal and medical requirements before your trip. This may include obtaining a visa, getting vaccinations, getting a letter from your health professional about carrying medication or medical supplies internationally, and more.

Having a regular doctor or GP in Australia that you trust and who knows about where you’re going and what you’re doing can be a good idea too. They can help coordinate your care, and look after you and your health needs once you return back to Australia.