Have a Question?

We are unable to respond to requests for media, promotions, or offer any medical advice to our trans community. Explore quick links below for answers to frequently asked questions.


  • Suicidal Distress and
    Crisis Support

    Lifeline: 13 11 14
    Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
    NSW Mental Health Access Line: 1800 011 511
    QLife: 1800 184 527
    Kids Helpline: 1800 043 470
    13YARN: 13 92 76

    Suicide prevention and aftercare service
    9206 2000 (Business hours only)

    This service is for people who have recently made a suicide attempt or at high risk of suicide. Non-judgmental short term care coordination and peer work support for sexuality and gender diverse people aged over 18 years of age.

  • While you are free to explore our website, the team are unable to offer medical advice or recommendations outside of content we have available.

    You may want to explore our gender affirming doctor list. Finding a doctor can be intimidating, but there are things you can do to assess if a practitioner is a right fit for you.

    Additionally, if you are looking for advice about medical affirmation you can find a guide about getting started as well as advice regarding hormones and surgery.

  • TransHub is working towards providing our communities with information and resources outside of New South Wales.

  • We are excited that more researchers are looking to recruit trans people for their studies. But please note that we can only promote research that has been assessed by our ethics committee here at ACON first.

    You can contact the ACON research team for a pre-assessment research@acon.org.au

  • We love and appreciate all the great initiatives and content you are creating. All content posted on TransHub needs to be reviewed and approved before we can promote.

    Please provide us with a very brief description of the promotion request. If it is research related, you need to obtain approval via the research team.

  • If you have an event or media request, you’d like TransHub to be involved in please contact media@acon.org.au

  • The content on TransHub is publicly available, you can reference or duplicate information with credits where it’s applicable.


Use our form to submit any website feedback, or enquires relating to the gender affirming doctor list.