

Coming out: some suggested wording - TransHub

Teacher letter: affirm name and pronouns - TransHub

Workplace Gender Affirmation policy - TransHub [PDF]

Workplace Gender Affirmation policy - TransHub [Word Document]

Deadname Remover - Chrome Extension for replacing deadnames with a chosen name

Letter to inform about a change of gender marker - TransHub

Multilingual pronouns list - LGBTQ+ and General Positivity

LGBTQ2IA+ Inclusion Guide - Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council & Macquarie University

Understanding LGBTQ2IA+ Identities - Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council & Macquarie University

Treating Sistagirls, Brothaboys and Gender Diverse Mob - Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council & Macquarie University

Gender Neutral / Queer Titles - Gender Queeries on Tumblr

Becoming Out - Scarleteen

Coming out and Inviting In - LaTrobe University

Tips for Coming Out - Minus 18

It's OK To Not Come Out - Minus 18

What is dysphoria and how do you alleviate it? - Minus18

Dispelling myths around detransition - Stonewall UK

Trans Summer School: Gender Expression Gear – Scarleteen

OMG I’m Trans - Minus 18

Chest Binder FAQs - The LGBTI Living Well Program

Passing as What? All About Passing Privilege – Scarleteen

Keep it hot – Grunt

How to Have Sex if You're Queer: What to Know About Protection, Consent, and What Queer Sex Means - Teen Vogue

LGBTQIA Safe Sex Guide - Healthline

A Guide for Families and Carers - Transcend Australia

A Guide for Schools - Transcend Australia

Student Support Gender Affirmation Plan - Transcend Australia

New posters to celebrate LGBTIQ people and stand up to discrimination - Rainbow Health Victoria

Guidelines For Supporting Gender Affirmation/Transitioning In The Workplace - Griffith University

SWOP - The Sex Workers Outreach Program

Scarlet Alliance - Australian Sex Workers Association

Supporting gender transition in the workplace - A Gender Agenda, ACT

Creating Authentic Spaces: A Gender Identity and Gender Expression Toolkit - The 519

4 Creative Ways To Start A Social Group In Your Community - Infomania

Transgender discrimination - Anti Discrimination NSW

NSW Sporting Clubs by Sport - Team Sydney Sports



My Health
