Finding your communities

Expanding and opening our connections to community is incredibly enriching, but can also be overwhelming. Thinking about what kinds of communities you want to be a part of and share with, and how much space you have in your life for new people can be a helpful place to start.

Communities can come in many shapes and forms, including:

  • School or uni friends

  • Shared interest groups, eg. Hiking clubs, book clubs

  • Casual or professional sports teams

  • Cultural groups or meeting spaces

  • Online gaming communities

  • Mutual aid collectives

  • Chosen family groups

  • Local trans social or activist groups

  • Arts groups, eg. Writers, illustrators, painters, and more

  • Board gaming groups

  • Community gardens or volunteer opportunities

  • And anywhere you find your people.

There are so many ways to connect to different communities depending on your interests, accessibility needs and personal capacity. Are there communities that you feel more or less interested in connecting with? How much space or capacity do you have for new friends or community in your life?

Where are some places that you have found community?


Some of the answers we’ve already received from community include:



The campus queer department




Parties at the Red Rattler


Sydney Bi+ Network


Through the furry fandom <3


You can visit the TransHub clubs and community groups page here for some more ideas about finding community in whatever ways feel right for you.