Planning for the seasons

As we map out what the different seasons of wellbeing look like for us, it can be helpful to think about the needs and capacity we have, and how they can ebb and flow through the seasons. 

  • Summer might be a season where you are feeling energised and have capacity, not only to hold yourself but your loved ones and community.  

  • Spring and Autumn might be opportunities to build the supports you might need to get through tougher times in Winter. 

The following questions are things you could ask yourself, talk about with someone you trust, journal or make art about, or any other format that feels good. Developing this language with your friends can be really helpful in how you communicate together about how you’re doing. 

If you don’t have one already, you could consider making a self care plan

What season am I in now?

Understanding what season we’re in now also allows us to think about the kinds of support or care we might need. 

What season are you in now?  

Do your seasons feel clearly delineated, or do they blend together at the edges? 

Remember, when we’re talking about seasons of mental health, we don’t mean the seasons out in the world, but how we’re feeling inside, and how much energy we have. 

I feel pretty good, maybe like spring or summer? I definitely am still struggling a bit some days but trying to be patient with myself about it.

I’m definitely in summer and feeling great! I want to throw on a hot outfit and make out with someone at a party!

Lockdown is tough so it’s definitely winter time. Although it’s easy to feel quite isolated and anxious in this time, I still manage to find lighter days.

I definitely know when one season has ended and the next begins. Some days I wake up and feel a lot worse or better than the day before – today I woke up and it’s winter for sure.

How does this season feel? 

For each of the seasons, how do you remember it feeling, can you feel it now? 

Does the feel like it's located somewhere in your body, and if so where?

How does it feel emotionally and spiritually, and is it similar to other feelings or seasons? 

When I’m in Spring, it feels like something in my chest is thawing and warming up.

Summer just feels like I’m full of helium or something, like I can do anything!

It’s hard to recognise where I feel it in Winter, kind of all over, I just want to stay in bed.

How long does each season usually last? 

Unlike the seasons out in the world, our seasons of wellbeing might continue for days, months, or years. They might also come and go in any order. However long they last, it’s always good to remember that it will change. 

How long do seasons usually last for you? 

Has that changed over time? Do you find yourself spending more time in one season than another? 

It honestly depends, sometimes I have all four seasons in one day, other times a season will stick around for weeks.

I’m currently in a summer that’s lasted for months, which is nice. I try to keep in mind that even if it doesn’t last forever, that’s okay, because there’ll be more summers in the future, and it feels really nice.

Just because I feel like crap now doesn’t mean I’ll always feel this way. No winter lasts forever.

What can I do to prepare for winter? 

It’s hard to know what’s ahead, so it can be helpful when you have more energy and resources to intentionally prepare and build some strong foundations, so that when change comes, you can be more prepared. 

When we are in warmer periods, what are some ways we can prepare for upcoming winters?  

What supports do you need during different seasons? 

Can you put any of that support in place now ahead of time? 

I’m in Autumn right now, and can foresee some tough times ahead. So I've booked in a few more sessions with my therapist ahead of time.

I’m definitely in Winter at the moment, so I’m just conserving energy, and focused one day at a time, leaning a bit more heavily on my partner for support and waiting for spring to arrive tbh.

I’m feeling pretty great at the moment definitely in summertime. So I’m going to lots of online and in-person events, and involving myself in community with more social energy, so that when winter comes, I also have more of a support system.

Last time I was in winter I was offered some support and didn’t take it, which made things a lot harder. I’m working on the strength to be able to reach out in future.